Living walls or green walls are increasing in popularity with each new year. Interior designers and environmentalists see living walls as a sustainable building practice. They are both attractive and good for healthy living. Green walls improve the air quality of the building by ridding the environment of carbon dioxide.
What many people don’t realize is that living walls have other benefits as well. They also protect the space against dramatic temperature fluctuations since plants act as an all natural insulation, saving energy. If a building’s energy is generated from fossil fuels this helps reduce its reliance on unclean energy sources and is better for the environment overall.
Green walls also are known to improve health conditions and relieve stress by livening up the environment around us. Plants reduce pollution, and reduce noise, leading to a more tranquil workplace. People around plants have a richer oxygen intake, which eases fatigue and stress.
NASA did a study many years ago and they recommended that the five plants most recommended for use in green walls are heartleaf philodendrons, cornstalk dracaenas, elephant ear philodendrons, spider plants and English ivy. Living walls can come in all shapes and sizes. They are often complemented by rooftop gardens, known as green roofs. Green walls can be found in all types of buildings including administration and government ones, businesses and even homes.